Sunday, November 17, 2013

How to Make Your First Investment


Generation Y has a terrible rep for being spenders, running up credit cards, and buying expensive clothes and flashy cars (People still haven't realized the accuracy of Macklemore's "Thrift shop" to our spending habits). But regardless of which end of the spectrum you are on, we know that saving is a good thing.

"A penny saved is a penny earned" - Benjamin Franklin

If you're like me though, where Ramen is a staple along with pb and j's and cookout, you might think that you'll just save when you make more money or are a bit older. However, the numbers behind saving when you're young are absolutely astounding!

Lets compare the savings habits of two 20 year olds, Graham and Rick. Graham decided to save $2,000 a year for the next 6 years and nothing thereafter. He wouldn't touch it until he retired and invested those savings into the stock market which averages a 10% annual return over the long-run. Rick decided he was going to start saving when he was a little older and had traveled some. So when he was 35 he started investing $5,000 a year the same way and was going to continue doing so until he retired at age 65.
“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it ... he who doesn't ... pays it.”-Albert Einstein

At age 65, Graham's measly $12,000 has managed to turn into $1,904,742.36 and Rick's $150,000 investment over the years has only managed to turn into $822,470.11. That's insane! But that is the power of compounding interest, a visualization of how the younger you are when you begin to save, the more time your money has to grow.

I'm going to try to help you take the idea of saving and turn it into an action. Below, I've compiled a list of the 3 simple steps you should consider taking in order to make your first investment a reality and begin utilizing the power of compound interest.

1. Save something

If you're living paycheck to paycheck or if it seems like you don't have enough to save I challenge you to reevaluate that mentality. One of the easiest ways to cut out an expense is to pack a lunch every day, choose water over a sweet tea, buy the grocery store brand named food at the store, or have social events that are free (game night vs. going out to eat). The big idea is to just save something, even if its $250 over a semester that you're going to invest.

2. Research an avenue to invest

Now that you're on your way to having $250 put aside that you're going to resist spending on a weekend road trip or a birthday present for yourself you need to look at different places to put it. The best place to make an initial investment in my opinion is a mutual fund. A mutual fund is a way to invest in the stock market with only a little amount of money- essentially buying a piece of 100 different companies which provides diversity and limits the risk of your investment. Just like in the example above with Graham and Rick, these average around 10% growth minus small fees. The fees aren't desirable but the great thing about a mutual fund is that you can withdraw or deposit without any transaction costs (most investments have an $8-$20 fee per transaction or trade for instance) This is huge for somebody just starting out! Research the different fund types and the different brokerages or maybe a local financial adviser to buy it through.

3. Make the leap

Once you dive in and take the leap of faith, no matter what your profits are or how the economy goes, you should feel proud. You had the courage and discipline to do what most people can't and save up something out of what little you had and invest in something that will likely prove beneficial.

Check out Matthew 25:14-30. This is the parable of the bags of gold or talents and gives us an idea of what Jesus thought about investing. When I was little, I didn't understand why the servant who buried (or saved) his gold was so wicked but now I understand that he was letting an opportunity go to waste. You can read about what Jesus says is the most profitable investment in my previous article. Let me know what you think and how it goes in the comment section below. Thanks!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Most Profitable and Exciting Investment Ever!

No, the most profitable investment isn't a new tech company's initial offering (we all remember what happened with Facebook those first few weeks) or any other stock for that matter. Investing your money has the potential to offer great monetary returns, but the most profitable and exciting investment you could ever make is one that will last forever!

Matthew 6:19-21 gives us an idea of the type of investing I'm referring to. 
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
I have to admit I was more than just a little confused by the passage when I first read it. I didn't even know you could store up treasure in heaven from all the way down here or what kind of treasure that would even be? But the bible tells us the kind of treasures we can build up- joy, righteousness, glory, and honor. All of which are eternal!

Jesus tell us that we ultimately receive this everlasting treasure by investing in people. In Souls. By putting our time, love, affections, money and everything we have in the Lord's hands and by loving His children and our brothers and sisters we get the privilege of being a part of building God's Kingdom. And that is legitimately the single most exciting investment on the planet!!! 

When we listen to God and surrender everything to Him, we see souls redeemed, lives healed, and addictions defeated.We will see people in heaven one day who are there because we decided to share the gospel with them or provide them with food or whatever it was the Lord had called us to do. It is the best investment we could ever possibly make!'s 4 big ways to invest in God's kingdom

1. Share the Gospel-The most wonderful story of all time, God sends His one and only son, Jesus, as a sacrifice for our sins. Spread the good news!

2. Give tithes/offerings-This is one the best ways to love the Lord and His people, but so many people neglect this option because they don't think they can afford it. We have a God in heaven who holds the world in His hands and will take care of you. You're truly missing out by withholding tithes and offerings to your church.

3. Be a mentor to someone- Along with sharing the gospel, help lead people closer to God. Friends, family, co-workers whoever. Join a small-group and share with them and participate!

4.Quiet time- Spend time reading the Bible and listening to the Lord often. Write in a journal. Pray! The closer you are to Jesus and the more you know Him the more you'll love like Him and see others the way He sees them. 

These might be pretty obvious but it really is a daily battle, for me at least, to go out and actually do them! With a whirlwind of schoolwork, a job, family, friends, fun, holidays, everyday problems, tragedy,
entertainment, relationships, and the list goes on, its easy to reach the end of the day and well...have nothing left to give. Strive to give to God first, it is seriously the best investment!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Little Background...

As an opening post, I just want to give you a bit of insight into who I am and what you can expect to be reading in the future!

1.Who am I?

My name is Greg. I love Jesus with all my heart and soul. I'm a senior financial management major at Clemson University hoping to graduate in May and am currently pursuing a career as a financial analyst. I have been dating the most beautiful, fun-filled, caring woman for 2 years and I hope and pray one day I can have the privilege of having her to be my wife.

2. What is this blog about

Simply put, Investing. Investing Financially, Relationally, and Spiritually.

Now there's a good chance you're having a thought like, "He seems all over the place already... a blog about Christianity, finances, and relationships? Those go together just as much as a couple shrimp, some chocolate, and a bag of tortilla chips do!"

Well, oddly enough, Paula Dean actually thinks those unlikely ingredients do go together and calls it Chocolate Shrimp Tortilla Soup... here's a link to the recipe!

I realize religion, money, and dating are kind've big topics to cover under one umbrella of a blog. But the truth is, my brain is wired to see all of these things in terms of investments. How I invest my time, my efforts, money, and love really does matter and has lasting implications! And making stellar investments excites me!

3. So what can you expect?

I'm hoping to offer a piece of me. A glimpse of how I'm investing my assets spiritually, financially, and relationally. I'm only 21, but what wisdom the Lord has been gracious enough to give me, I want to share with you. And I'm so excited to get started!

P.S. I'd love to hear thoughts/encouragements/criticisms so leave a comment below!